+91-484-2752500, +91 9048779888
All our students are expected to take up an internship at any reputed organisation, such as Tata Global Beverages, Titan, KPMG, EY, Hungerbox, Yamaha, Federal Bank etc. For eight weeks, they work on projects designed, which give them exposure to real problems in unfamiliar settings. They also acquire first-hand experience of organisational culture, teamwork and problem solving.
At the end of the SIP, students will consolidate the eight week intensive project experience and write a well-organised report. The preparation of the report will have a research dimension and will look into problem identification, originating questions of the problem, literature review, devising the methodology for the study, formulation of research instruments, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. The above outcome will be the result of constant interaction between the student, organisation guide and the faculty. Through this project, the student simulates a real business problem and tries to explore the solution for the problem. The study is presented before a panel to validate the findings. The same is evaluated along with report evaluation. Some students get an opportunity to present it before the company leaders. Students who outperform in their SIP obtain Pre Placement Offers (PPO).
XIME Kochi, Kinfra Park, Kalamassery, HMT road, Kochi-683503, India
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